Helping Your Kitten Adjust To Its New Home

Congratulations on bringing a new furry family member into your home! This kitten will bring you and your family joy for years to come. But first, your kitten will need to adjust to its new home. Here are some guidelines to help your kitten adjust stress-free.

They Need Time To Adjust.

When you first bring your kitten home, it will be surrounded by new sounds and smells. This may be overwhelming for a kitten, and they will need time to adjust. Your kitten will adjust to its new environment in its own way. Some kittens will immediately begin exploring, while others want to curl up and hide. The important thing is helping your kitten feel safe when they get to your home.

How Long Does The Adjustment Take?

This depends on the cat. As mentioned above, each cat will adjust to its new home in its own way. The adjustment period can take 2 days to 2 weeks. If other animals are in the home you MUST quarantine your kitten from the animals for at least 14 days. This is to keep the kitten and your other pet(s) healthy. Socializing with the kitten and helping them feel safe in their new home can shorten the time it takes for them to adjust.

How Can I Make The Adjustment Easier?

You can start by letting them get used to one room at a time, such as a bedroom. Making sure they have access to food, water, and a litter box, as well as hiding spaces, can help them feel more comfortable in that room. Sit in the room with the kitten until the he feels comfortable coming over to you. After that, you can start to introduce the kitten to the rest of the house, one room at a time. This means allowing them to venture out of the initial room, leaving the room open as a ‘home base’. When you are around the kitten, make sure to act and speak in a calm way. Sitting on the floor at their level may also be helpful in creating a new bond.

Safe Zones.

We have found when a kitten is becoming overwhelmed, having easy access to a safe zone helps. Safe zones are different from the ‘home base’ room. Safe zones are places around the house that your kitten knows are safe for him to go. We highly recommend getting a tall cat tree and window perches to put around the house. These will provide your kitten with a safe place to climb, observe their environment and rest.


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